Knowing God’s Heart for Rest

Rest is a central theme here at Okontoe. We exist to provide a place for families to rest and be restored. But what does it really mean to rest?

Photo by Ben Selin

Here are a few insights from some of our staff.

Consistency of Rest – Ben

What has God been teaching you about rest lately?

During busy times, we tend to think, “Oh, after this is all done, I’ll just stop and have a longer time of rest.” But then that makes everything harder day to day.

Ben says, “If we don’t have intervals of rest, we then need a large chunk of time to catch up. This is harder to fit into a schedule.” He also thinks rest actually tends to not happen as much when we try to just save it for these longer times; it keeps getting pushed off for later.

“Consistency and regularity of rest,” Ben says, are key for rest to happen at all.

What was a time of rest that was really significant to you?

“Solo prayer retreats. Time away alone with the Lord. There is nothing deeper nor more life-giving for me.”

Are there any particular scriptures about rest that have been significant to you?

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28 NASB
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” -Mark 6:31 NIV

What are your hopes for people who come to Okontoe?

 “My hopes are that people would truly leave their busy lives behind for a while and get the peace and quiet in their souls that they need. And be here enough, with Him enough, to leave recharged and with new closeness and direction from the Lord.”

Ben Selin

Rest is Surrender – Jody

What has God been teaching you about rest lately?

“To truly rest, I must surrender my worries and cares to the Lord first. Otherwise those things keep flooding my mind when I am trying to rest.”

Jody says that she has found she must pray about these things first and do something active to get the stress out of her system. Then she can fully rest and focus on God.

What was a time of rest that was really significant to you?

“Last fall I went on a canoe trip with Coldwater Foundation. . . . At the beginning of the trip, it felt good to be active and portage to expend my energy and process and unwind before I could be still and really rest.”

“We had a solo time for 12 hours one day. I could hardly move around in my spot, so I was forced to be still and just soak in the nature around me and to meditate on God. I finally came down from the rat race and rested.

“The last morning, I had a special moment again with just me and God watching the sun rise. It was so peaceful!”

Are there any particular scriptures about rest that have been significant to you?

Like Ben, Matthew 11 has stood out to Jody. She references the last three verses of the chapter:

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28–30 

Jody also says that part of Elijah’s story has been impactful for her. In 1 Kings 19:1–9, Elijah is running for his life after God had shown His power at Mt. Carmel. He is afraid and discouraged, and God provides food and rest. Jody says that verse 7 is particularly special to her:

“The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.’” -1 Kings 19:7

God knows our need and cares for us when we are exhausted.

What are your hopes for people who come to Okontoe?

Jody hopes “they can truly connect with Jesus here. Okontoe has been described as a ‘thin space’ where it’s easy to feel close to God. My prayer is that people will find rest and direction and healing in this place as they rest in Jesus’ arms.”

Jody Selin

My Identity is Not What I Do – Christy

What has God been teaching you about rest lately?

Christy has been listening to The BEMA Podcast, and their episode about Sabbath has been especially impactful for her. This quote from that episode summarizes much of what God has been teaching her:

“I need to tell myself God’s narrative to my heart. The narrative that says I am worthy. I can rest. What I do is not as important as who I am.”

For Jews, the Sabbath is a reminder of their freedom from slavery. It declares that they are not just machines that produce something, but people who are created to be in God’s presence. That being is why rest is so important.

What was a time of rest that was really significant to you?

Every once in a while, when Christy needs to step away from normal life, she has gone to a great Christian camp, similar to Okontoe, called The Wilderness Fellowship.

For her, these personal retreats have been special times of rest. While there, she has “no responsibilities, only opportunities for self-care.” She basically has no option but to rest. So she walks, reads, and sleeps.

She says it is a chance for her to “be alone and unproductive”—a reminder that there is more to her than what she does.

Are there any particular scriptures about rest that have been significant to you?

“And behold, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’” -Matthew 3:17.

Christy says, “This was spoken of Jesus before He had produced anything for the kingdom.” God is “well pleased because of who you are, not because of what you do.”

What are your hopes for people who come to Okontoe?

Christy hopes “they can understand that rest is a gift, but also a necessity. It can happen on a ‘vacation,’ yes, but more so, it needs to be a way of thought. Trust God and stop striving. You are worthy of rest.”

Christy Miller

Rest Glorifies God

In his book The Sabbath, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel talks about how the Jewish Sabbath is like a cathedral in time rather than physical space.

Sabbath is time set apart to focus on God through rest. And rest glorifies Him just as much as work does. It is a form of worship.

So build your cathedral.


Resting by Lake Superior (photo by Kaylee Selin)

Article by Kaylee Selin

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