I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things to do on my day off is just sitting in my hammock next to the lake and reading.
Books are entertaining, but they can also educate, inspire, and restore your heart and mind for everyday life. They are a way to rest, which is what Okontoe is all about.
And guess what? Okontoe has a new library!

Here are five great books from our library to read during your time at Okontoe!
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (Bible Study/Apologetics)

This is a wonderful book both for those who have questions about God and Christianity and for those who have been Christians for years. It clearly and thoroughly helps you think through topics like morality, faith, ideas about God, and much more.
I’ve been re-reading this book over this summer, and I have been impressed by the helpful analogies and the clarity with which C.S. Lewis answers all the questions that come up. He is very intellectual, but since it was originally a series of radio talks and was later converted into a book, it has more of a conversational tone.
I highly recommend it!
[Find Mere Christianity on AbeBooks]
Crazy Love by Francis Chan (Christian Topics)

For our chapel services this summer, we have been watching sermons from Francis Chan. This book dives even deeper into some of the topics we’ve touched on in chapel.
This book challenges you to go beyond living a “normal” version of Christianity. It calls you to be radically and passionately in love with God, which changes every part of how you live.
From the back of the book:
“Does something inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts—it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same.”
“It’s a Jungle Out There!” by Ron Snell (Autobiography)

This is one of my favorite autobiographies and missionary kid stories. Ron Snell grew up as a missionary kid in Peru, and in this book, he talks about his early life and adventures in the jungle.
This is a great book for everyone, both for entertainment (Ron does a great job describing his adventures!) and for learning more about missionary life. As a missionary kid myself, I relate to his experiences and really appreciate how well he describes what it’s like to be a missionary kid. But I also just love the adventure!
If you enjoy this one, Okontoe also has the next two books in the series! “Life is a Jungle!” and Jungle Calls continue the story of Ron’s life all the way up through his college years in the U.S.
[Find It’s a Jungle Out There on AbeBooks]
How Should We Then Live? by Francis A. Schaeffer (Non-Fiction)

From the book:
“This book is a personal analysis of the key moments in history which have formed our present culture, and the thinking of the men who brought those moments to pass. This study is made in the hope that light may be shed upon the major characteristics of our age and that solutions may be found to the myriad of problems which face us as we look toward the end of the twentieth century.”
This book is history, philosophy, anthropology, and Christian living all rolled into one. It is really a commentary on Western culture.
Francis Schaeffer looks at different civilizations and cultures and analyzes his culture in that context. Writing in the 70s, he takes an honest look at the state of Western culture then and discusses where it might lead—and reading it now, we can see where it has led so far. He challenges and encourages us to live well during whatever time we live in.
[Find How Should We Then Live? on AbeBooks]
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (Fiction)

This is one of my favorite books of all time. It is written in the 1800s and describes the lives of four sisters as they grow up during the American Civil War.
Not only is it interesting historically, it paints a beautiful picture of family life. It teaches about God, dreams, work, and all the other parts of growing up. It has been hugely impactful in my own life and has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally.
Beyond that, it’s also just fun!
[Find Little Women on AbeBooks]
See Our Library!
All of these great books (and many more) are in our library! It is open to campers throughout their stay. This is also the only spot in camp where Wi-Fi is available.
The library is located right next to our garden. White Pine Cabin is on the right side of the building, and the library is on the left side.
Come check it out!

Article and photos by Kaylee Selin
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