5 Great Books to Read During Your Stay at Okontoe

Books on shelves

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things to do on my day off is just sitting in my hammock next to the lake and reading. Books are entertaining, but they can also educate, inspire, and restore your heart and mind for everyday life. They are a way to rest, which is … Read more

Knowing God’s Heart for Rest

pine tree in winter with sunset

Rest is a central theme here at Okontoe. We exist to provide a place for families to rest and be restored. But what does it really mean to rest? Here are a few insights from some of our staff. Consistency of Rest – Ben What has God been teaching you about rest lately? During busy … Read more

7 of Our Best Tips for Battling the Bugs

Summer at Okontoe is beautiful, and it brings faithful visitors every year. Our most faithful visitors, though, are the ones we want to get rid of the most—bugs. But don’t worry—you can beat them! Here are some ways to fight the bugs during your stay at Okontoe! 1. Wear Protective Clothing Wear loose-fitting clothes that … Read more

Easy Campfire Starters You Can Make Yourself

campfire closeup

Have you ever been in that frustrating place where you’re trying to get your campfire going and it’s just not happening? Then check out these super easy campfire starters that are fun and easy to make… One of the most fun parts of camping is having a campfire, whether you want to cook over it … Read more