As a 501c3 non-profit organization, Okontoe Fellowship is run by an Executive Director and Board of Directors:
Ben Selin, Executive Director • Jody Selin, Staff
Ben Selin is Okontoe’s Executive Director. He and his wife Jody have four kids: Audrianna, Kaylee, Keean and Aidan. Jody is part of the staff and responsible for bookkeeping, camper registration and managing their busy family.
Their family spent two years at Okontoe preparing for overseas missionary work, then were in Mongolia with World Mission Prayer League (WMPL) for three years. After their return to the States, Ben stepped into Okontoe’s Director position in 2020.
Jody’s grandparents, Bill and Willie Barr, founded Okontoe so she’s been coming up regularly her whole life. Ben and Jody were engaged here many years ago, as well, so they have a long history here.
Ben’s extensive experience in auto mechanics and construction serves him well in the day-to-day oversight of Okontoe’s property and vehicles. Jody brings her skills as a registered nurse. They both have a deep desire to see the Lord glorified and His purposes for this ministry fulfilled.
Their heart is to see God’s transforming love and power touch peoples’ lives: including the other staff, interns, Okontoe guests and members of their community.

Nancy Patten, Staff
Nancy is the daughter of Bill and Willie Barr, the founders or Okontoe Fellowship, and has been involved in the ministry since its inception in 1971. She married Mark Patten in 1973, raised four children with Mark and has twelve grandchildren.
She worked alongside Mark at Okontoe all through their 46 years of marriage, including the 33 years Mark functioned as the ministry director until he passed away in March 2019 after a long battle with ALS.
Nancy carries the original vision the Lord gave her father to create a “church without walls” where people who wouldn’t normally enter a church could find Jesus in a wilderness setting.
She also shares Mark’s visions to mentor, disciple, provide hospitality and refuge for those who need a place to rest, a new compass bearing, and to hear the Lord.

Bob Boddy, Board President
Bob has been married to his wonderful wife Kim for nearly 41 years. They live on a small farm in River Falls, WI where they raised their three kids. Now each of their kids are married, having kids of their own, and are living in the area.
Bob and Kim are a part of a small church in Hudson, WI where they do life with a group of great friends. They love to camp, ride motorcycles and spend time with family and friends. They both thoroughly enjoy the “farm and ranch life” where they raise beef cattle, chickens, goats, dogs, cats, and take in rescue horses.
The majority of Bob’s professional career was spent managing projects, people, teams and programs for several large companies in the Twin Cities.
In 2021 he made the big move and retired from Medtronic. He’s now re-fired and enjoys building businesses. He started a consulting company, Crossed Timbers Consulting, providing business development, business process consulting and project management.
Along with their daughters, they own and operate a dog daycare and boarding business in Hudson, WI. They will be celebrating 11 years of business at K9-Playtime. God is good!
Bob says, “Okontoe’s summer DC youth ministry was an anchor through my teen years. There was nothing more influential or formative in my youth as the DC camps. From being a camper to a counselor to playing Okontoe Hockey for 22 years, I’m just so thankful!

Brian Rupe, Board Vice-President
Brian Rupe is the husband of Lynn, father of six and grandfather of seven. He graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nature Interpretation and a vision to share Christ through the book of nature.
In 1982 Brian and his family moved to Camp Tecumseh YMCA where he would serve four years as a program director. In this role he discovered God’s plan for sharing the Gospel through the book of nature and the opportunity to shape the character of Christ in children through camping ministry.
He went on to serve as executive director at four other YMCA camps in Michigan, Minnesota, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, finishing his YMCA work as the interim CEO of the Youngstown YMCA. In 2019, Brian, wife Lynn and youngest daughter Amy, returned to Minnesota to join the majority of their children and grandchildren.
He remembers meeting Mark Patten a couple of decade ago at Okontoe. And he’s known Ben Selin for many years, starting when Ben worked under him at YMCA Camp du Nord in Ely before Ben met Jody.

Bridget Barr, Board Treasurer • Joel Barr, Director
Joel is the first grandchild of Bill and Willie Barr, Okontoe’s founders. Joel and his wife Bridget have been married for almost 30 years and have two adult children. Their family is heavily rooted in Okontoe and spend time throughout the year at their favorite spot known as the green trailer. They love to share Okontoe with friends and family as a place of refuge, healing and restoration.
Joel is in the automotive industry, where he shares the love of Jesus with his co-workers. Joel has served in several ministries, including worship team, men’s bible studies, creative director and stage builder for a local church along with other volunteer projects.
Joel’s parents were on staff at Okontoe during his childhood. He witnessed firsthand; God’s work that was being done at this “church without walls” ministry.
Joel has many fond memories of playing with camp kids, community campfires, fellowship, and discipleship. Don’t be surprised if Joel remembers you from way back when his visual memory is impeccable.
Bridget manages business continuity and crisis response in the health care industry. Her other work experience includes business management, bookkeeping and real estate.
Bridget is co-founder of HOPE 4 Youth, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in Minnesota that provides pathways to end youth homelessness in the local community. She currently serves as Board Member Emeritus with them. Bridget has a passion to give back to her community and encourage a positive environment for our youth to thrive in.
Her first memory of Okontoe is driving up to camp and seeing 20-30 people around the campfire ring by the old office singing and praising the Lord. Everyone welcomed her with open arms and open hearts. A memory deeply cherished and one that forever changed her life.

Kirsten Voorhees, Secretary
Kirsten loves Jesus, people and coffee. She has recently relocated back to Minnesota/Wisconsin after living much of the last 25 years in Tampa, Florida. While in Tampa she received her Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and served as a leader and teacher in the Community Bible Study organization.
In 2014 she co-founded a ministry called IAmFreedomGirl. Through this ministry she reached out to women working in the adult entertainment industry in the Tampa Bay area. She is also an artist and entrepreneur and enjoys all things outdoors.
Kirsten has been involved with Okontoe since the late 1970s. She attended Discipleship Camp and Advanced Discipleship Camp and then returned as staff for two summers during her college years. Okontoe has provided some beautiful life-forming and transforming moments that have been anchor points for her life.
Legend has it Mark Patten told her that any man who wanted to marry her would have to take him down first. In 1990 a young man proposed to Kirsten and took on the challenge. It was a bit of a David and Goliath scenario, but Dusty Voorhees prevailed. We’ll never know if Mark actually got taken down or if he liked Dusty enough to let him win 🙂

Ken Owen, Director
Ken earned his BA degree and performed post-graduate work at the University of Minnesota. He founded and owned a manufacturing firm employing 225 employees.
During the thirty years he owned the corporation and served as its CEO, he also spoke and lectured on a variety of topics in churches, colleges and men’s groups around the country.
Currently, Ken lives in Rosemount, Minnesota with his wife, Sally. They have six children and twenty-two grandchildren. He’s been involved with Okontoe since the late 1980s and was a Board member for a few years in those days.
Since his “retirement” in 2009, Ken’s been employed as the VP of Ministry and Housing for Life Rebuilders, a faith-based organization that works with newly-released prisoners, men with addictions and men who are homeless.

Stephen Pederson, Director
Stephen and his wife Dawn married in 1984 and have made Wisconsin home their entire lives. In the midst of raising their three children, they felt led by the Lord to adopt a boy from Russia. All four are now married and have blessed them with eight grandsons!
Stephen’s spiritual experiences began in nature—reflecting Okontoe’s original vision of a “Church Without Walls”—first as a young boy when his parents hosted a small fellowship on
the banks of the river running by their woods. As a youth, he continued to see God in His creation through camping, skiing, hiking, cycling, play, work, and travel—all things he and
Dawn continue to enjoy together.
God then began to shift Stephen’s focus towards ministry as an architect, where he spent several years in church facility planning and design, helping congregations refine their vision and purpose in the process. In his thirties he had several life-defining experiences which led to
a greater understanding of walking with the Holy Spirit.
Since then he has served the Church in multiple roles from short-term international missions to pastor. Stephen also loves his time with family, sharing God’s Word, discipleship, sunny beaches, sharing life with friends, playing with his grandchildren—and is now most grateful to be serving a “Church Without Walls.”
Jake McCormick, Director
(Bio and photo coming soon)
Harvey Yesno, Director
(Bio and photo coming soon)

Jerry Goodmanson, Director Emeritus & Board Chaplain
Jerry and his wife Jean live in Stillwater, Minnesota. Their journey with Okontoe began with a vacation Bible school trip to the Indian village, Fort Hope , Ontario. They eventually ended up as full time missionaries to that village. Many of the relationships formed there are lifelong.
Jerry also was an educator for 25 years serving in both Christian and public schools.
Every trip to Okontoe feels like a trip home. He feels like Okontoe is truly a place of God’s presence.